Road Construction Can Contribute To Car Accidents In Bradenton

Summer is just around the corner and it is the time of year when local roads become more crowded with both residents and visitors. Unfortunately, it is also peak time for road construction. In addition to contributing to traffic congestion, road work is a common contributing factor in car accidents in Bradenton. Our Bradenton car accident attorney explains how these types of crashes often happen and the steps you can take to protect your rights in filing a claim.
Road Work in Bradenton Puts Motorists At Risk
Road construction is an ongoing issue in Bradenton and throughout Florida. More than just an inconvenience, it creates major hazards for motorists. According to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), over 53,000 road zone car accidents happen each year and represent more than 20 percent of all fatal crashes. Common factors that make car accidents in Bradenton more likely to happen on roads undergoing construction or repairs include:
- Unexpected stops;
- Sudden lane changes;
- Increased road debris;
- Construction vehicles blocking roads;
- Narrow lanes and lack of a shoulder, allowing little room for mistakes;
- Frustrated drivers, who are more likely to engage in tailgating, failure to yield, and other aggressive behaviors;
- Increased driver distractions, making car accidents in general more likely to happen.
Current road work updates from Manatee County show a considerable amount of projects, including major and ongoing work on Interstate 75 in Bradenton. With no end in sight, drivers need to be aware of the risks and what to do in the event an accident happens.
What To Do If Involved In A Road Construction Accident In Bradenton
The City of Bradenton aims to keep residents informed of road closures and ongoing road construction projects. As a driver, you can reduce your risks by being aware of these sites, using detours when possible, and remaining vigilant and driving at slower speeds in these areas. If you are involved in a road construction accident, it is important to take steps to protect your personal safety and your rights in filing a claim. These include:
- Stop as close to the accident scene as possible, without blocking traffic;
- Notify the police or state highway patrol immediately;
- Use extreme caution when exiting your vehicle;
- Follow directions of road workers at the scene in regards to where to stand;
- Exchange contact, vehicle, and insurance information with other drivers involved;
- Take pictures of the accident site;
- Get the names of any witnesses at the scene, as well as the names of road workers and the company they work for.
- Seek medical attention right away, regardless of the severity of your injuries.
Request A Consultation With Our Bradenton Car Accident Attorney
In road construction accidents, several drivers, as well as road construction project managers or workers, may be to blame. At the Law Office of Steven G. Lavely, we protect your rights in filing a claim, helping you get the compensation you deserve. To request a consultation with our Bradenton car accident attorney, give us a call or contact our office online today.