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Drowsy Driving Car Accidents In Bradenton: Know The Risks


Juggling multiple responsibilities at home and work while trying to maintain some type of social life can take a toll on your sleep schedule. Whether your problem is with the quantity or quality of sleep you get, it is important to be aware of how it could impact other areas of your life. Among the health risks a lack of sleep poses, it increases your likelihood of being involved in a car accident in Bradenton. Find out more about drowsy driving and the steps you can take to protect yourself.

Drowsy Driving A Leading Cause of Car Accidents

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drowsy driving is a major problem on roads in Florida and across the U.S. Each year, more than 750 people are killed as a result of drowsy driving-related car accidents while thousands of others suffer serious injuries. (As most cases are self-reported, these are only estimates and the actual number is likely much higher.)

Unfortunately, many of us fail to get the recommended minimum of eight hours of sleep per night. This can be due to a variety of reasons. College students, shift workers, new parents, and truck drivers are some examples of people who put in long hours that interfere with their sleep schedules. Others take medications for health conditions or suffer from insomnia, sleep apnea, and other sleep conditions, which leaves them feeling chronically tired. This can have a major impact on your driving abilities, mimicking many of the same effects as driving impaired. These include:

  • Reduced vision and increased sensitivity to glare;
  • Lack of coordination, making it harder to steer, use turn signals, and apply the brakes;
  • Poor judgement, making you more likely to engage in speeding, tailgating, and other dangerous driving behaviors;
  • Reduced reflexes, making you less likely to respond appropriately to unexpected situations and sudden changes in traffic conditions.

Protecting Yourself Against Drunk Driving

If you are running on just a few hours of sleep, the best way to protect yourself against being involved in a car accident is to not get behind the wheel. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), tactics such as drinking coffee, listening to loud music, and leaving your car window open do not work. Instead, call a friend, take the bus, or rely on a ride sharing service rather than driving yourself.

If you are behind the wheel and begin to feel drowsy, pull over and close your eyes for 10 or 20 minutes. Often, this will be enough to allow you to get home safely. Be aware that drowsy driving accidents often happen late at night or in the morning hours. Be alert for other drivers who may be feeling the effects.

Let Us Help You Today

When drowsy driving-related car accidents leave you suffering serious personal injuries, the Law Office of Steven G. Lavely can help you get the compensation you are entitled to in a claim. Call or contact our Bradenton car accident attorney online to request a consultation today.



