Distracted Driving and Car Accident Risks

For residents of Florida, the situation surrounding the coronavirus pandemic continues to be an ongoing concern. Health issues, increased family pressures, and financial losses due to business closures have left us all feeling somewhat disoriented. While it is only natural to be distracted by current events, it is important to be aware of how this could impact your safety. Distracted driving is a leading cause of car accidents in Bradenton. Taking the time to follow some simple safety precautions can help to reduce the risks you and your passengers face.
The Impact Of Distracted Driving
According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), distracted driving kills roughly nine people each day and leaves thousands of others suffering serious injuries. It is one of the leading causes of car accidents in Florida and a variety of activities are to blame.
Distracted driving is often associated with talking on cellphones and sending texts. While these are among the biggest dangers, anything that takes your eyes off the road, your hands off the wheel, and diverts your mind from the important task of driving is potentially dangerous. This includes:
- Changing radio stations, temperature controls, or GPS settings;
- Getting fast food and eating or drinking while driving;
- Talking to passengers and reaching for items in the glove compartment or backseat;
- Getting lost in thought or thinking about future plans you have rather than focusing on the road in front of you.
Being distracted impacts your ability to react to unexpected events and changes in traffic conditions. If you are traveling at 55 miles per hour or greater, diverting your eyes from the road for even a few seconds is the equivalent of blindly driving the entire length of a football field.
How to Reduce Your Risks
The American Trauma Society focuses on ways to prevent accidental injuries, which end up landing millions of people in hospital emergency rooms each year. During the month of May, the group sponsored a national campaign to increase awareness. For 2020, the focus was on distracted driving.
Particularly in light of the coronavirus pandemic, drivers are more likely to be distracted. Take the following actions to reduce your risks:
- Stay in the moment: We are all facing additional pressures in our personal and professional lives due to the pandemic. Make it a point to put these matters out of your mind and stay in the moment while engaging in activities, particularly driving.
- Pay increased attention: Be aware that others on the road are more likely to be distracted. Watch out for driving errors such as sudden stops, swerving in and out of lanes, improper passing, and disregarding traffic signals.
- Stay focused: Turn your cell phone off, give children coloring books to keep them busy, pull over if you need to eat, and consider other proactive steps you can take to avoid driving distracted.
Let Us Help You Today
The Law Office of Steven G. Lavely is here to help when distracted driving accidents leave you suffering serious injuries. To request a consultation, contact our Bradenton car accident attorney today.