Drunk Driving Over The Winter Increases Bradenton Car Accident Risks

Food, festive gatherings with family and friends, and football are among the many things we look forward to over a winter weekend. As the kick-off to the winter football season, people are in the mood to celebrate, and alcohol plays a central role at many weekend gatherings. Unfortunately, the tendency to overindulge increases the likelihood of Bradenton car accidents.
Our Bradenton car accident lawyer represents injured victims in these crashes and has seen the devastating harm they cause. To keep you and your loved ones safe, be aware of the dangers and take precautions to reduce drunk driving risks.
Drunk Driving Poses Major Risks To The Weekend
According to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV), over 100 alcohol-confirmed car accidents in Manatee County happen each year. Unfortunately, one of the most frequent times for them to occur is over the weekend.
As one of the nost busy times of the year, many people make plans to travel and be with their loved ones. While there is nothing wrong with having a few cocktails with friends or wine with your dinner, be aware that it can pose serious hazards if you intend on getting behind the wheel. Even just one or two drinks could have serious impacts on your driving abilities, which include:
- Blurred vision and sensitivity to glare, making it more difficult to see the road;
- Reduced coordination, making it harder to steer, apply the brakes, or perform other driving tasks;
- Slower reflexes, making it harder to respond to unexpected events or sudden changes in road and traffic conditions;
- Impaired judgment, making you less likely to realize that it is not safe to be behind the wheel.
Protecting Yourself Against Drunk Drivers Over The Winter
Drunk driving is a common cause of serious, potentially life-threatening car accident injuries in Bradenton. It can take hours for even one or two drinks to leave your system. If you plan on drinking any amount of alcohol over the weekend, make arrangements so that you do not have to drive afterward.
Being sober when behind the wheel reduces the risks, but what can you do to protect yourself against other drunk drivers on the road over a playoff weekend? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommends the following tips:
- Make sure you and your passengers wear seatbelts at all times;
- Give other motorists plenty of room on the road;
- Be particularly cautious at night, which is when most Bradenton drunk-driving car accidents happen;
- Watch for signs such as swerving in and out of lanes, driving without headlights, or sudden stops and other unexpected movements, which could indicate another driver is impaired.
Contact Our Bradenton Car Accident Lawyer
At the Law Office of Steven G. Lavely, we wish you and your family a safe and happy winter. If you or someone you love is injured in an accident, let us help you get compensation. Call or contact our experienced Bradenton car accident lawyer online and request a consultation today.